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Archives June 11, 2023

Floating Plants For Fish and Shrimp Aquariums

floating plants aquarium

Floating plants aquarium  add a natural and healthy look to any aquarium. They also serve many other purposes for your fish and shrimp, such as creating a better habitat for them and increasing their health. Many of these plant types are hardwired to live in shady waters, and replicating this in your tank can help your critters feel at home and reduce stress.

In the wild, most floating plants are a natural part of most water environments like lakes, ponds, slow-moving rivers and swamps. They usually don’t do well in turbulent water, and fast water currents can damage their long and delicate roots. If you have a strong water flow in your aquarium try to reduce it or use a plant ring to keep the floating plants safe.

Enhance Your Aquascape: Exploring the Benefits and Care of Floating Plants in Your Aquarium”

Another function of most floating plants is to help remove unhealthy wastes and excess nutrients from the water. This can help prevent and control an algae bloom, which can be a real problem for planted tanks. The root of the plant sucks up the nitrogen and other waste, which helps to lower the nitrate levels in your water. This is a good complement to your regular tank water changes and can really help improve your tank’s overall water quality.

The main drawback to floating plants is that they are quite fast growers, and they can quickly crowd out small tanks. If you plan on using a fast-growing plant, such as duckweed or Azolla, you will have to be willing to regularly thin them out to avoid overcrowding your tank.

Lebanon Grows Hashish and Marijuana in the Bekaa Valley

The fertile Bekaa Valley is one of the world’s major narcotics-producing regions and Lebanon is its fourth largest producer of hashish. Even though possession of weed and its distillation is illegal, production thrives under the radar in this Middle Eastern nation. The smuggled product then makes its way across the porous border with lawless Syria to serve demand in Jordan, Iraq and wealthy Dubai. The Lebanese also produce a variety of fine cannabis, such as the light hash known as Royal Moby, which is made from trichomes that have not yet reached full maturity.

What is Lebanese gold hash?

Cannabis cultivation and hash in lebanon making are an ingrained part of Lebanese culture. Farmers have been growing and producing marijuana and hashish in the Bekaa for decades, often on small scales and without legal authorization. In some areas of the country, locals use it as bartering currency for goods or services. It is also used in dowries for weddings, and as a gift to guests.

In the picturesque hamlet of Yamouneh, the yearly cycle of planting, weeding and harvesting marijuana has done more than any other crop to lift its residents out of abject poverty. But as the global economic crisis hits Lebanon, its currency collapses and war in Syria snarls smuggling routes, the farmers are facing diminished returns.

For the first time in years, many growers are questioning whether it’s worth continuing their work. Nevertheless, cannabis is an integral part of the Lebanese society, and in the Bekaa Valley, a community where religion and stunning natural beauty collide, it is as much a part of life as coffee or wine.