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Official Plan Amendments

Official Plan Amendments

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The Official Plan establishes long-term goals, shapes policies and outlines development strategies for the City. Amendments to the Official Plan can either introduce new policies or change existing ones, and must be approved by the City Council. In order to amend the Official Plan, you must submit a complete Application Form and supporting information. A Senior Planner will review your application to determine if it is complete. If your application is found to be incomplete, you will be advised of what information is required to make it complete and given a time frame within which to provide the missing material.

A proposed Official Plan Amendment is grouped into omnibus amendments to manage the scope and timelines of the application process. This is an efficient way for the City to introduce changes to the Official Plan.

What Is an Official Plan Amendment? A Guide for Property Owners

This omnibus amendment presents several amendments related to the consolidation and revision of the secondary plans in Volume 2A. The amendments will focus on correcting errors and omissions that were introduced to the secondary plans during this process.

By the planning act, a public meeting and open house have been held for this application. The final consolidated draft Official Plan and associated schedules can be viewed below under “Attachments.”

The approval authority of an Official Plan amendment (council or planning board) may approve, approve as modified, refuse or revoke all or any part of the requested amendment and give notice of its decision. A person or public body that made a verbal presentation at the public meeting or a written submission to the approval authority before its decision to adopt an Official Plan amendment may appeal the decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal in respect of all or any part of the requested amendment by filing a notice of appeal with the clerk of the municipality or the secretary-treasurer of the planning board.

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